Dallas Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Great weather and motorcycle riding go together hand in hand, but a careless driver can quickly wreak havoc on your leisurely cruise. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents often result in extremely serious injuries. The time after your accident can be stressful and scary. You may be left recovering from serious injuries while stressing over the medical bills that are starting to pile up. Bush & Bush Law Group can help take away some of that stress. We can use our experience representing motorcycle accident victims to help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact a Dallas personal injury lawyer online or call (469) 977-7777 today to put our experience to work for you.

Why Choose Bush & Bush Law Group

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you need an attorney who will take the time to get to know you and your case. This is especially true after a motorcycle accident. These accidents often result in severe injuries, and your attorney needs to understand both the law and how your injuries have affected you. At Bush & Bush Law Group, we take the time to get to know our clients personally. You are never just a case number at our firm, and we’ll use our extensive personal injury experience to make sure you are fairly compensated. Contact us today to get started.

Common Injuries In Motorcycle Accidents

Many drivers on the road today are not properly watching out for motorcycles, and this carelessness leads to many accidents. As you might imagine, motorcycle riders often sustain significant injuries when they are involved in an accident with a car or truck. Sometimes these injuries are catastrophic and the victim is left with permanent, life-altering effects. Some common injuries suffered as a result of a motorcycle accident include the following:

Recovery from these types of injuries can often be long and painful. If you were involved in an accident that was someone else’s fault, you have a right to be compensated for your injuries. Let the attorneys at Bush & Bush Law Group help you get the compensation you are owed.

Proving Your Motorcycle Accident Case

To successfully recover compensation in your motorcycle accident case, you must prove four elements. First, you must prove that the defendant had a duty of care. By driving their car on the road, they automatically have a duty to act as a reasonable driver.

Next, you must prove that the other driver breached their duty. A breach may occur if they were speeding, texting while driving, failing to look before changing lanes, or any number of other careless activities.

Finally, you must prove that the breach caused the accident and that you suffered some injury from the accident.

A Dallas car accident lawyer can help you gather the necessary evidence to prove that the breach caused the accident and that you suffered some injury from the accident.

Even if you are found to be partially at fault for the accident, you may still be able to obtain a partial recovery. Texas follows the modified comparative negligence rule (Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 33.001). This rule states that your recovery will be reduced by your percentage of fault; however, if you are 51% or more at fault, you cannot receive compensation. For example, suppose you are owed $10,000 as a result of the accident. If you are found to be 30% at fault, your award will be reduced by $3,000, so you will end up getting $7,000 in damages.

Talk To A Dallas Motorcycle Accident Attorney Now

If your life has been turned upside down due to a motorcycle accident, reach out to Bush & Bush Law Group today. We know that things happen quickly, and you might not remember exactly what happened during your crash. Our team can help fully investigate the accident and preserve the evidence that will be needed for your case. Let us handle the insurance company while you focus on getting better. Give us a call today at (469) 977-7777.