When you buy and use a product, you expect that you should be able to do so safely. Unfortunately, some products that are not safe make it into the hands of consumers. These products may have defective designs, manufacturing flaws, or improper labeling or marketing. These defective products can leave consumers with serious injuries. Some of the accidents caused by these products even result in death. If you have been injured or have lost a loved one due to a defective product, contact Bush & Bush Law Group today. A Dallas personal injury attorney can help you hold these big corporations responsible and get you the compensation you deserve.
Defective products can cause severe injuries or even death. Losses associated with these injuries can climb into the millions of dollars, and these big corporations and insurance companies will do everything they can to protect their bottom line.
Bush & Bush Law Group knows what it takes to hold these companies responsible, and we have the resources needed to take them on. While we are able to successfully negotiate settlements in many of these types of cases, we always prepare every case in anticipation of trial. We are never afraid to litigate aggressively on your behalf when the situation requires it.
Give us a call today (469) 977-7777 or contact us online for a free consultation.
It is not always easy to spot a defective product, and there is more than one type of issue that can make a defective product. Product defects typically fall into one of three categories — design defects, manufacturing defects, or labeling and marketing defects (also known as a failure to warn).
Design defects are present when the product’s design is not safe. For instance, a vehicle with a design defect may be more likely to roll over no matter how well the manufacturing is performed. A car accident attorney in Dallas can help identify if a design defect contributed to your accident. Manufacturing defects occur when subpar materials are used or there are flaws in the manufacturing process. A product with a perfect design can become dangerous when manufacturing defects are introduced.
Finally, a failure to warn occurs when the manufacturer does not properly warn consumers of potentially dangerous hazards about the product. The only exception here is that manufacturers do not need to warn consumers about hazards that are so obvious no warning should be needed.
Defective products unfortunately make it into the chain of commerce every day. When these products cause injuries, attorneys often get involved to help hold the manufacturer responsible. Some common types of defective product claims handled by Bush & Bush Law Group include the following:
If you have been injured by a defective product, contact us today to let us help you understand your legal rights. The manufacturer might owe you compensation for your injuries, and we can help get you the recovery you deserve.
When defective products make it into the hands of consumers, the consequences are sometimes severe. These products can cause devastating injuries or even fatalities. Whether the defect is a result of a defective design, defective manufacturing process, or a failure to warn, the manufacturer can be held liable for injuries caused by these products. If you have been injured by what you believe may be a defective product, contact Bush & Bush Law Group today. We have the resources you need to fully investigate the product, prove the manufacturer’s liability, and hold them accountable for your losses. Give us a call today (469) 977-7777 to get started with a free consultation.
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Call us at (469) 977-7777 or fill out the contact form to get your case reviewed by our award-winning legal team. And also apply for an advance or pre-settlement funding on your case if needed.
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